Sun Salutations, Piper, and the Lazy Cat Pose…

In my quest to relax, deal with stress, and have a peaceful harmonious mind and spirit; I have taken quite the liking to Yoga. I’ve dabbled in it over the last few years, mainly with the mindset that it is a bunch of mumbo jumbo hoodoo. After taking my “Mapping the Mind-Body Divide” class last term and realizing the importance of CAM practices (complimentary and alternative), I began to slowly incorporate yoga into my weekly routine. After reading several articles/studies explaining the benefits of doing yoga and yoga breathing for asthmatics,  (of which I am one!) I was completely sold. Weeks later, and thanks to Sara Ivanhoe and her CRUNCH: Candlelight Yoga, a wondrous thing occurred, I really began to LOVE Yoga!! I love how it relaxes and refreshes me, how it is assisting in my balance(physical&mental), flexibility, and how it is improving my breathing. I am a huge fan of the meditative aspect of yoga, as well as the flow and beauty of the Vinyasa’s. What I am really digging right now is the workouts that combine my new love of yoga and my love for Pilates. I am a huge fan of the fusion of the two!! The two blend deliciously together for a powerhouse work-out. (My favorite being the CRUNCH: Super SlimDown – Pilates Yoga Blend” with Ellen Barrett whom is a necessity for ALL my Pilates needs!)


Which brings me to this morning. When I woke up I knew immediately I wanted to do some yoga, but I also knew I was longing to be outside. Now mind you, all the yoga I have done up to this point has been inside. I guess I was somewhat inspired by Sara Ivanhoe’s “Yoga on the Edge” which was filmed in very beautiful serene destinations.  I made the executive decision to take my yoga mat, my cellphone with my fave relaxation music app, and myself out-doors. I took some pictures so I could share with you my view!! I chose to face my humble yet cozy home, as it is where my heart resides (my family). As I am getting setup I have a visitor, Miss Piper, our grey-white-black striped stray cat that has adopted us. Piper is new a mom, and as the fur-baby’s were lost in peaceful slumber she decided to grace me with her presence. Now Piper is somewhat of an outcast, she isn’t exactly accepted by our other cats. However, I understand her and she and I are kindred spirits as I have been that outcast…so needless to say she has taken a liking to me and I her! As I am sitting cross-legged meditating, she keeps her distance as if she senses something spiritual is going on, but isn’t far away. In fact she is sitting on the back of my mat. I would like to think she is assisting me by holding the mat down! 😀 As I am done with my sitting poses I stand and assume Mountain pose at this point she comes around in front of me and looks at me curiously as I move to Urdhva Hastasana, or Upward Salute.

She continues to watch me as I go into a bend, lunge, then downward dog, ETC ETC. By the time I get to Bhujangasana, or Cobra she has begun her own yoga pose. NOW I see where they get Cat Pose. By the time I am back to downward dog (my favorite pose along with Vrksasana, or Tree pose) she looks bored, swishes her tail at me in dismissal and plops down in back again, once again holding my mat for me! 😀 I do another round of Sun Salutations, meditating, enjoying my quiet mind and the harmony that is coming from my being  inter-connected with nature and the world around me. I finish up with Tree pose after my salutation.

“The Lazy Cat” pose!!

When I am done and the sights and sounds of reality have eagerly returned, I look for my curious companion. She is no longer holding down my mat, but in the shade of our square-foot garden box meditating on her own!

The Divine light in me, Salutes the Divine light in you. Namaste.
