Importance of Mindfulness…

157028_479939565395254_1152586017_nSo this morning I am going through my normal morning routine after everyone is up and out the house…which is reading and posting on Facebook. As I am catching up on the posts since my last visit, I see a post by a friend and co-worker. What she shared was a list of the  “12 Things Happy People Do Differently”. I read the list and based off my health and wellness studies, I know how these things can in fact lead to happiness. Where the list is profound, I found her comment to much more so…

Happiness changes the whole flow of your body ranging from energy and electrical impulses to the intake and output of fluid. Each one is vital to the body’s functionality. Why not encourage efficiency of bodily function with HAPPINESS?!”   – Shannon Drohn

This of course got me thinking about how important and powerful mindfulness can be. In Western medicine, and even our own practices we get so caught up with the physical, “treating the body”…that we neglect our mental and emotional well-being. Treating not only the body, but the mind and spirit are imperative for complete integral wellness; which we should all strive to achieve. In one of my recent health and wellness classes we learned that “the body is the mind, and the mind is the body.” In essence what transpires in the mind ultimately transfers to the body! (If you nurture and facilitate a healthy mind, the body will follow!) Living a life of intention rather than moving through life reacting, practicing gratitude, forgiveness, loving-kindness, being positive, participating in mindful practices, and finding healthy ways cope with stressors…all of this cultivates a healthy mind and spirit. Couple that with the loving our bodies by feeding it properly and partaking in physical activity and you facilitate wholeness, true genuine happiness, and the end result which is complete integral health and wellness!


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